The Role of Political Freedom in Safeguarding the Political System in the Life of Imam Ali(AS)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Political Science, Baqir al-Olum University; a member of the Political Studies Association, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D., Department of Nahj al-Balagheh Science and Education, University of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Qom, Iran


The present research aims to examine the role of political freedom in safeguarding the political system, focusing on the life of Imam Ali (AS). In this regard, the concept of preserving security and its dimensions is initially explained. Subsequently, political freedom and its indicators, including freedom of thought, belief, expression, writing, public participation, criticism, and critique of the performance of government officials in governance and management, and its impact on safeguarding security are discussed using a descriptive-analytical method. The study underscores the correct and desirable functioning of the system in protecting the security of the political system, ensuring political security for citizens, preserving human dignity, providing conditions for the growth and flourishing of their talents in advancing human development, and ultimately contributing to the growth and development of society and the stability and strength of the political system. The results indicate that political freedom plays a positive and constructive role in safeguarding security. If citizens can intervene in government and managerial affairs, the government, with strong public support, can effectively fulfill the security discourse in all security dimensions. Conversely, if an authoritarian government refrains from granting political freedom to citizens, it will face constraints. Thus, the absence of unity between citizens and the government and their lack of support for the government will hinder its ability to carry out the security discourse. Therefore, the role of political freedom in safeguarding security will be negative. This result can serve as a practical model for political systems, especially the Islamic system.


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