Good Governance and the Role of Collective Agency

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought; a member of the Political Studies Association, Qom, Iran.

2 Ph.D., Student, Department of Arabic Literature, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran


This research aims to explore the people's role in empowering a political system. Accordingly, the central question in this study is how independent people-centric organizations, detached from governmental structures, can make governance effective. To achieve the role of collective agency in participatory governance, a structure-agent approach has been chosen to demonstrate the consequences of the interaction between people-centric organizations and structures. Using religious culture in the social-political spheres, collective agency significantly impacts creating effectiveness and the socio-political lifestyle. In politics, less attention has been paid to the importance of collective agency in interacting with governance, with more emphasis on individual management and personal agency. The remarkable power of collective agency and its religious dimension have yet to be discussed. Collective agency in a specific process and transactional approach finds a widespread and interactive role in society and the political system, strengthening the governance system through consensus-building and collective participation. Overall, in collective agency, the capacity for public participation is high, power is distributed rotationally and cyclically, public satisfaction is a fundamental condition for the effectiveness of collective agency and good governance, the role of people's organizations in all areas is transparent, the minimal state and people's private sector are the majority, justice, and socio-political freedoms are the foundations of collective agency, this mono-centric approach dominates in various fields, the government becomes dependent on people-centric organizations. In reality, religious participatory governance will prevail.


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