The Potential of the Principle of Lā Zerār (No Harm) and Political Fields

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Political Science, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University; Member of the political studies association of the field, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought; Member of the Political Studies Association, Qom, Iran



The principle of Lā Zerār (no harm) is one of the important rules in Islamic Fiqh (Jurisprudence)and it is practical in all jurisprudential aspects. Since politics is one of the significant fields in human societies and according to Imām Khomeini, Islam and its Fiqh are completely political issues, the relation between this principle and politics is considered so valuable and pivotal. It is possible to utilize the potential of this principle in the realm of politics and international systems. In this regard, the present research aims to answer how we can make use of the potential of this principle in the realm of politics in general. The research method is descriptive-analytic, and the results indicate that according to Imām Khomeini’s approach to this principle that regards it as a governmental order, it can assist jurists in different political and social fields and prevent the actualization of some established laws in all individual, social, and political (national-international) domains. In this case, the harm should be identified in terms of compatibility between order and subject: If it refers to an individual subject, it should be identified by individuals and if it is political and governmental, it is within the authority of the Islamic ruler. Therefore, the Islamic ruler should identify the extent of harm with respect to the interests of Islamic society and act accordingly.


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