Discourse Creation and Monitoring Realization of the Islamic-Iranian Model of Development (Executive Requirements of the Model and Political Strategies)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The purpose of the present research is to study discourse creation and monitoring realization of the Islamic-Iranian model of development (executive requirements of the model and political strategies). The research method is textual and conceptual analysis of the references, books, and ideas of the Islamic and Iranian civilized thinkers, the constitution of the Islamic republic of Iran, practical guidelines of Imām Khomeini as well as advices of the supreme leader to prescribe a model for discourse creation and monitoring. The research relies on the hypothesis that requirements of performing the model and its political strategies include monitoring objective scientific actualization, engineering, management and damage removal of the situation or the document of the country’s development model. The results indicate that propagation of the development model to create proper public consensus and determination is required and that it is achieved through discourse creation among elites, common people, and managers respectively by the methods presented in this study. Actualization of the Islamic-Iranian model of development is conducted through practicality of the expediency discernment council and the Islamic consultative assembly as well as the enforcement of the executive force, public and private section.


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