The Principle of Divine Justice and the State Based on Religious Democracy

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Statesmanship has always been formed based on either domination, or testaments, or consensus. The purpose of the present study is to assess the proportion between each of the above principles and the principle of justice. The issue under study is: which method has state legitimacy based on the principle of divine justice? By using descriptive analysis and searching through epistemic data in Islamic Kalām, and also recognizing aspects and features of domination, testaments, and consensus based on historic, political, and legal ideas and reports, it can be asserted that domination by any means can give legitimacy to a government just in case kingdom from God as the divine destiny is accepted and that admittance of that is the result of faith and obedience to God. State legitimacy based on testament relies on the hypothesis that statesmanship is regarded as the transferable right of a prince. The principle of justice considers any cruel command invalid and illegitimate. Imposing a state and a leader on people based on domination or inheritance is great tyranny due to independent reasons. Therefore, the necessity of establishing a state based on people's votes results from the principle of divine justice and that ignoring public opinion and imposing a state by either force or deceit violates the principle of justice.


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