Pillars of the Political System of Islam in Ziyārat-e “Amin Allāh” and “Āl-e Yāsin”

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D., Research Institute of Islamic Sciences of Imam Sadiq (AS), Qom, Iran



The purpose of the present study is to explain the political system of Islam based on the themes in Ziyārat-e Amin Allāh and Āl-e Yāsin. The method of study is inferential-analytic and the results showed that seemingly there is a summary-detail relationship between these two Ziyārat Nāmeh and they are complementary. The relationship between Imam (leader) and community or in Fārāb’s word, learned governor and people, is not merely a dry, juridical, totalitarian, and autocratic relationship, but rather it is emotional and romantic. In this relationship, Imam and community are on the same boat and head to an identical destination. In this political system, all emotional and sentimental, outer and inner, material and spiritual, individual and social needs are considered. According to the view and ideology presented in these two Ziyārat Nāmeh, the duty of the political system, in addition to providing people’s security and organizing this world, is to provide their prosperity and safety in the other world and their eternal survival. This important task is doable only by the political system of Islam under the government of learned people. It is a key point and if neglected, the political system will not be accomplished and Islamic anymore and cannot lead humans and society to prosperity.


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