Analysis of the Political Power of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in Mecca

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University; and a member of the political studies association, Tehran, Iran.



The aim of the present research is to examine the political power of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) during his mission in Mecca. The research is based on the hypothesis that the Prophet, from the early days of his mission until his last days in Mecca, was on the path of creating and consolidating a glorious power and authority to promote and institutionalize the religion of Islam and its moral virtues. The presentation of Islam and the placement of the condition of accepting the guardianship of the Prophet by non-Muslims, the use of tribal power on the path of Islam, employing influential individuals and powerful figures in the mission path, and attracting and utilizing the power of various factions such as Quraish and Adnanites indicate his unique view on power. This research examines the realistic view of the Prophet of Islam on power. The research issue is analyzed not from the perspective of the legitimacy of the Prophet's power but rather from the perspective of the Prophet as a human being and an ordinary human who had to produce the necessary power to achieve a sacred goal. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the results show that firstly, the Prophet's view of power and its production was not pessimistic; secondly, power was a tool for the Prophet to achieve high and lofty goals, and in itself, power had no value for him; thirdly, the Prophet had his principles and foundations for achieving power, including never using unethical means to achieve power.


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