Divine Traditions and Issues in the World Politics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Student in International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The present study aims to explain the potential of monotheistic ideology and divine traditions in the world politics. To this aim, the descriptive analysis with reference to the Qur’anic verses revealed that the world politics relying on monotheistic ideology and divine traditions of Takwin (creation) and Tashri’ (legal Islamic rules) is capable to respond to the issues in the policy in terms of mutual interactions between the human and lifeworld. The purposeful and Takwini look at the universe and all its components moving to the perfection is not incompatible with the divine rules of God and therefore, human has an immense role in his destiny and changes in the lifeworld due to his free will and liberty. In order to answer to challenges in the world politics from the perspective of divine traditions, it is necessary to extract and compose general tenets and values based on Godly traditions for all humans, societies, and nations during history from the past to future. Therefore, the world politics can be derived from the monotheistic ideology and divine traditions.


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