The Qur’anic References about Individuals’ Political Security

Document Type : Original Article


Dr.Political Science, Qom; Member of the Association for Political Studies, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to review Qur’anic references on individuals’ political security. The research method was non-temporal derivative thematic exegesis and the results showed that the Qur’an in different statements has referred to the importance of all humans and emphasized on their security to retain political rights to express their beliefs freely and fearlessly so that no one can harass them for expressing their opinion and their participation in their social and political destiny is guaranteed by the establishment. From the Qur’anic perspective, without recognizing individuals’ political security there cannot be any development and improvement in any society so every political system ought to provide political security for its citizens and protect their political rights. Therefore, according to the Noble Qur’an we can achieve an optimal and ideal society by recognizing the divine place of humans, his role on the earth, and his political rights as well as defending against any threat in this regard.


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