An Introduction to Social Mysticism in the Light of Nehzat-e Husseini

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Tehran, Iran.


The objective of the present study is to answer if Nehzat-e Husseini has adequate capability to perceive social mysticism and civilizing Jihadi-revolutionary sufism. The results of this research conducted by narrative-rational approach showed that the event of Ashura conducted by the innocent Imam and also the battle of Karbala as an active and everlasting movement complemented Nobowwat (prophecy), Imamt, Risalt (mission of the Prophet), and Wilayat (guardianship) for the sustenance of Muhammadian original Islam. Ashura and Nehzat-e Karbala provided us with Jihadi-epic and rational-romantic instructions, justice, and monotheistic truth. Nehzat-e Husseini introduced mysticism and social mystics through the sermons, letters, aphorisms, dialogues, poems, and battle cries by Seyed al-Shuhada who was as the guidance lamp and salvation ship along with his special and generic companions. They sought to represent a role model for Islamic original mysticism and civilizing Islam as truly rational Sufism and significant intuition in the realm of Jihad and martyrdom. Social mysticism in the light of Nehzat-e Husseini can manifest mystical stages with social spirit and Jihadi-revolutionary tokens to reveal the fact that mystical concepts and Sufi instructions are not neutral and passive, but rather they have an active and epic essence. Social mysticism is attached to Ahl al-Bayt, rationality, justice, and genuine spirituality. Its directions and issues are against tyranny. This mysticism gets into battle for the sake of justice so it does not favor seclusion, passivity, neutrality, luxury, silence, or immovability.


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