Imam Khumeini’s Approach to the Political Exegesis of the Noble Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher in Shahid Sadr Research Institute & Graduated Phd. Political Science from the Baqir al_Olum University, Qom, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to present Imam Khumeini’s approach to the political exegesis as an effective exegetical approach to the political transformations in the Muslim World. Explaining and discourse-building of this exegetical approach can pave the way for returning the Qur’an to the context of transformations in the Muslim World. The current research study aims to answer that what Imam Khumeini’s distinctive approach to the political exegesis of the Noble Qur’an is. This approach was explained relying on the theoretical framework of the theory of Two Fitrah. The results of the study showed that the Qur’an as an independent and efficient political school has not turned to a widespread discourse in the Muslim World yet because of 2 reasons: First, the petrified interpretations in the Muslim World have depoliticized the Qur’an by exaggerating the ancillaries of faith and marginalizing “Qur’anic objectives”; second, eclectic approaches have interpreted the Qur’an secular and separated from politics and society. Both of these reasons have led to the “seclusion of the Qur’an” and therefore the political thought and act in the Muslim World today are not affected by the Qur’anic objectives. However, Imam Khumeini’s special and distinctive approach to the political exegesis of the Qur’an could introduce this holy book as a political school and have serious effects on the political transformations and the Islamic revolution in Iran and the international level. Imam Khumeini’s most important principles of the political exegesis include goal-orientation, populism, pragmatism. The result of this approach is a special exegetical approach called “practical approach” seeking to fulfill Qur’anic objectives in the world.


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