The feasibility and Infeasibility of Political Wisdom in Transcendent Theosophy

Document Type : Original Article


1 ph.D student of Transcendent wisdom, kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, department of philosophy , kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran


The present study seeks to answer if Sadraii Theosophy is eligible for political doctrine and if there is such a concept as transcendent political theosophy. In order to answer the above questions, two viewpoints for and against the feasibility of political wisdom were classified. The results of this research study conducted by descriptive analysis shows that infeasibility in a sense and also feasibility in some aspects of political wisdom in transcendent theosophy are both truly acceptable. The infeasibility of political wisdom in the sense of infeasibility of political arguments and political philosophy in the works of Mulla Sadra is rejected because even those who believe in the theory of decline admit that Mulla Sadra has briefly mentioned some political arguments and it is not merely the repetition of former thoughts although he has made use of previous works. Therefore, the infeasibility of political wisdom in the sense of the infeasibility of inferring principles of politics and political philosophy from transcendent theosophy is admitted because we cannot conclude certain political tenets and viewpoints based on mere metaphysical principles, but rather they are not exclusively compatible with certain time, place, and condition. Hence, feasibility in its first sense, that is to say having political arguments in the works of Mulla Sadra is accepted. Yet, feasibility in its second sense, that is the potential of transcendent theosophy to infer a comprehensive political philosophy is admitted only when it is proved that certain philosophical principles are associated with a special political system; otherwise, two or more contradictory political philosophies might be extracted from identical principles.


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