Bureaucracy and Assistance to the Political Economy in Development

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Shahreza, Iran.

2 Ph.d.Student in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Brach, Shahreza, Iran.


The current study seeks to investigate different theories on bureaucracy to determine their pros and cons. Considering the background of bureaucracy in the history of Iran and Islamic revolution, this article discussed that which type of bureaucracy is more compatible with ethical and cultural models relying on revolution as well as developmental criteria in the country. The theory of developed bureaucracy proposed in this article attempted to serve significant assistance to political economy and development in accordance with Islamic-Iranian models. Furthermore, with an interactive approach to development theories, correlation between dependence and bureaucracy as well as political, economic, and management viewpoints, it was tried to determine the complexities of bilateral impacts of bureaucracy and development. The results of the study showed that negative perceptions and inefficiencies have institutionalized many negative beliefs about bureaucracy. Therefore, we should replace it with by practical reform toward development so that bureaucracy give service to the development of society rather than society giving service to the development of bureaucracy. Efficient bureaucratic system in society can be achieved by paying attention to the ethical and moral aspects in human being.


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