Kashif al-Ghita’ and the Subject of Palestine Aspects and Resolutions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Law and Jurisprudence, Research Institute for Hawzah & University, Qom, Iran.

2 Graduate of Islamic Seminary, Masters student, public rights, Farabi Campus - University of Tehran,Qom, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to survey the ideas of Allameh Muhammad Hussein Kashif al-Ghita’ about various aspects of the subject of Palestine and guidelines to resolve that issue. The results of the research conducted by descriptive-analytical method based on discourse analysis reveals that Kashif al-Ghita’ had delved deep into the catastrophe in Palestine by giving his historical speech in Jerusalem, participation in conferences, writing articles, and giving fatwa about putting a ban on selling lands to the Jews. In his view, the issue of Palestine has historical, religious, social, and international aspects and it has been a historical land for the Arabs so they defend it as their ancestral homeland. In religious geography, Kashif al-Ghita’ considered Palestine as the heart of Muslim world, and Jerusalem as the trust of God in the hand of Muslims which should be maintained. In his opinion, Zionism is the result of colonialism. He held that the resolution to the issue of Palestine depends on international attention to human right in that country, Islamic revival. Return to Islamic identity, Islamic unity, coalition among Arabic-Islamic governments, and rejecting colonialism.


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