Pattern of Progress and Crisis Issue

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics,University of Esfahan,Esfahan,Iran


The present study aims to investigate and provide a model for resolving the existing crises in Iran (such as environmental, economic, political, cultural and other crises). The present descriptive-analytical study showed that the Islamic-Iranian model of progress used in Iran, is an abstract model which could not be implemented and cannot solve the crises. To make this model work, a strategic calibration approach is needed. In this approach, due to the two principles of integrity and change, in the two axes of problem recognition and problem solving, the model of progress is calibrated by focusing on a specific problem. It also revealed how, in a phenomenological view of the problem of industrialization, this issue is being heralded in a hermeneutic context within the framework of the political economy system in Iran and the world.


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