The Influence of the Establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Inference of Political Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Iran Broadcasting University, Qom, Iran


The present study aims to investigate the effect of power and gaining the Islamic State on political jurisprudence or methodological science. It also aims to consider the influence of social and political realities in the field of action and the viewpoint of such state on principles and inference. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the results showed that although governmental developments had no profound effect on the research method for studies on principles of jurisprudence and jurisprudence, but it has opened new horizons, It has strengthened the rationalist approach and conventionalism, developed the rules of jurisprudence, and the existence of the religious rule has been effective in changing the style and method of inference. Increasing needs of the government and Islamic society have led to changes in ways of understanding and they have provided the opportunity to unravel and answer the emerging questions, and the Islamic society provides tools and facilities which pave the way to provide new methods for processing the juridical questions.


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