Islamic Revolution and the Model of Basic Culture Progress (With an emphasis on the cultural approach toward Islamic-Iranian model of progress)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor,Revolution Group, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present study was to examine the main nature and true nature of the concept of progress and development in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution in order to introduce the conceptual coordinates of progress in the Islamic-Iranian model so that while refining the process of completing and deepening the existing model, the measures needed to move towards the horizon of the projected model, can be predicted in a more realistic way and consistent with original cultural nature of the Islamic Revolution. Therefore, the present study attempts to answer the question of what relation exists between culture and Islamic revolution in general and between culture and Islamic-Iranian model of progress in particular and on what is the basis for true nature of the concept of progress in Islamic-Iranian model? Also the research has been based on the hypothesis that, given the underlying concept of culture and its origin in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution, the nature of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress is cultural, so that the Islamic-Iranian model of progress can be considered a culture-based model. In this descriptive-analytical study, a model of appropriate method for studying the subject of the present study, which is a study of political Islam, was introduced to study the topics with a model consistent with this research, namely “discourse analysis” The results of this study emphasize that determining the approach and movement from the fundamental model to the Islamic-Iranian model of progress has been emphasized, and culture in the Islamic-Iranian model of progress is of such fundamental and central importance that it should be described as the fundamental cultural development model.


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