The phenomenology of Saqifah as a political matter (Studying the structure of power distribution in Saqifa)

Document Type : Original Article


Research Center for Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran; and Member of the Association for Political Studies


The present study aims to find out how Saqifah founded the caliphate on a shaky basis with no ultimate stability. In this regard, using a phenomenological and with a descriptive-analytical approach, the historical context of Saqifah in the Quraish tribal structure, the pattern of distribution of power and achieving agreement in Saqifah, and the historical consequences of Saqifah are studied. The results showed that based on the return of power system to tribal-based system, Saqifah had a dual function. In the short term (Sheikhs era), it led to transfer of power in Quraysh, from Abd-Manafis to the marginalized sub-tribes; and in the long term (from the Ottoman Caliphate to the end of the Abbasids), it stabilized the dominance of Quraysh as a theme of caliphate in a new template (no binding to coalition) but In an old theme (Abd-Manafis were in center of the power), in the post-Islamic era. After Saqifah, firstly two Shiite discourses (critical to status quo and advocate of reforming the caliphate) and Qurayshi emerged (defending the caliphate built on the tribal coalition), and then from the Ottoman era, the Umayyad discourse (inspired by the Persian-Roman imperial structures, based on Arabic background) emerged. Eventually Imam Ali (pbuh) adopted the policy of postponement and resignation after Saqifah. According to this policy, working with the caliphate did not mean accepting it; it was effective in identifying Shiites as a dissident and different group.


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