The Limits of the Authority of the Jurisprudent At a Comparative View of Political Votesof Sheikh Morteza Ansari and Morteza Motahhari

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


After the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iran, the issue of accepting the "Public Governance of the Jurist" against the lack of a governance or limited governance of the jurist by jurisprudents and scholars has always been a controversial issue in scientific and political circles. The most important scholars include Sheikh Morteza Ansari and Morteza Motahhari. The present paper, with a comparative viewpoint and referring to the opinions of these two scholars, attempts to prove the acceptance of governmental authorities for the jurisprudent on his side by applying the qualitative content analysis method. The analysis of various sources and perspectives show that both jurisprudents agree on the necessity of people visiting the appointed jurisprudents in the absence of the infallible (AS), but it seems that in the views and opinions of Morteza Motahhari, there is a more specific and wider viewpoint towards the authority of the jurisprudent compared to Sheikh Ansari, and even approves the power to issue a governmental ruling by the jurisprudent ruling on all the public "right issues ", distinct from the primary and secondary sentences, in order to unravel the affairs and the ability to comply the laws of the Shari'a with the complicated and changing circumstances of the time and to preserve and observe "the general interest of the Muslims". The more complicated and indeterminate conditions of the era of Morteza Motahhari, which had increased the need for the jurisprudents to respond to these new conditions, as well as the beginning and the rise of the movement for struggling against the royal monarchy and the opening of a new jurisprudential and theological theory of the Islamic government formation with a focus on Governance of the Jurist on behalf of Imam Khomeini (RA), are the most significant reasons for the emergence of this courage and the motive in expanding the powers of the jurisprudent in the era of theOccultation of infallible (as) in the opinions by Morteza Motahhari's in comparison with Sheikh Ansari’s opinions.


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