Formation of Political Thought of "Abu Ali Tabresi"With a Coalition Approach

Document Type : Original Article


Member of the University of IRIB, Qom, Iran.


Abu Ali Fadhl ibn Hasan Tabresi is one of the characters of the 5th and 6th centuries AH that has been influential in protecting Islam and its dynamism, the Shi'i school, and the elimination of religious tensions and conflicts. The main question of the present research is whether political thought of Abu Ali Tabresi is presented under the influence of the prevailing conditions of his time and the intensification of the disputes of his age with a coalition approach? This research applies Thomas A. Spragens analysis model, which focuses on the crisis, and uses an analytical report method to provide a desirable model of thought in the era of absenteeism and during religious disputes era, despite severe religious prejudices. Examining different texts and perspectives demonstrates that Abu Ali Tabresi's thought is a coalition approach based on Quran. Since the incidents and adversities of his time were abundant and the Shiites were not sovereign, Tabresi considers his favorable political system to be solely the presence of infallible Imam while preserving Taqiya. Along with collaboration with some of the rulers and ministers of the time, Tabresi has many works on eliminating tensions and conflicts, including‘‘Majma’ al-bayān’’ (Compendium of Elucidations on the Exegesis of the Quran), in which opinions and ideas of different factions have been expressed. The dominance of Tabresi on the circumstances of his time and geography, and his scientific knowledge has led to the formation of unique thoughts in the Taqiya era, and be the path to resolving his own crises that were similar to the current crises of the present era.


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