A Prelude to Politico-theological Thought of Allameh Mir Hamed Hussein Hendi

Document Type : Original Article


1 رئیس پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی

2 Faculty Member, Urumiyya University and Member of Association of Hawzah Political Studies.


Domination of colonialism, inter-religious splits across the Indian Subcontinent, Crises like scientific negations of Shiite thoughts and negative affectability of Shiite government are included among the obstacles in the era of “Mir Hamed Hussein”. Such threats attack principles of Shi’a in the field of political behavior and thinking. He is one of the Shiite scholars who has dealt with politico-theological elucidation of political system of Imamate. His reformist approach in the field of thought has focused on “negation of caliphate ideals” and “effect of colonialism on thinking of Imamate”. His manner, in political theology in “Abaqat Al-Anwar” is a traditional-intellectual inference of narrations and analysis of inclusions when he tries to explore issues of Imamate and caliphate. Despite having access to suitable governmental atmosphere, Mir Hamed Hussein sought seclusion from linking to government of the day; but he with a unified performance, gave a special consideration to his political behavior in the face of colonialism by relying on internal productions and in contact with other Islamic religions. This article deals with “his politicotheological measures in reaction to epistemological crises of religious community” and “elucidation of political system of Imamate” and the main issue of this article is analysis of the formation of principles of political thought and extraction of political ideas from the existing named writings.


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