Rich-Poor Conflict in Political Thought of Imam Khomeini (ra)

Document Type : Original Article


Head - Faculty of Political Science & International Realations / Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


“Rich-poor conflict theory elucidates politics and history and it directs disputes towards sovereignty of Islam and spirituality. In this conflict, the party that fails to take headlong advantage of its possibilities and has less possible action like poor people because of abiding by principles and values is attributed to being poor. But the other side feels rich in using the facilities because of having indiscipline and being unbound to principles. The rich side finds a chance to make itself richer even when it does not use possibilities of the opposite side and it uses any possibility inconsiderably. This results in link of the poor side to depth of life and it realizes it. Rich-poor conflict, in fact, is conflict of deep thinking in life at its superficial level. Superficial and imaginative look at life leads to sense of richness and sense of poorness in life results from its further deep thinking. Distinction between pure Islam and American Islam is made with a realization of rich-poor conflict.


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