Hikmi Epistemology and Scientific-Political Capacity of Pure and Social Supreme Hikmah of Allameh Tabataba’i

Document Type : Original Article



The Hikmi epistemology and scientific-political capacity of pure and social Supreme Hikmah of allameh Tabataba’i is based on the premise that he is a pure and civil (including social and even socio-political) supreme Hakim (scholar) even if he didn’t enter the discourse of the political revolution, change the power and make government like Imam Khomeini. The query of pure and civil supreme Hikmah is created out of epistemology, methodology and phenomenology; including ontology, and knowing the what and how of the essences which explains and necessitates the capacity for continuance and implementation in civil, social and political Hikmah and science with guaranteed, conformity and  implicit implication approaches. The book “Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism” is generally (and specially in the section for “conventions”) against pure –and to some extent social- epistemology which is noteworthy and applicable both in political epistemology and methodology regarding civil and political phenomenology. The hypothesis of this paper is: the Hikmi epistemology and scientific-political capacity of pure and social supreme Hikmah of Allameh Tabataba’i. The analysis method is text and content analyses of the works and attitudes of Allameh, specially in Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism to the point that this can be regarded as its philosophical and political explanation and application. This is a method for reviving other works and attitudes of Allameh and the others, and updating them and developing their scientific uses. 


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