Friendship of Hearts and Dignity in the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Government

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctor of International Relations and lecturer at Baqer al-Uloom University (AS); Member of Hozeh Political Studies Association, Qom, Iran.

2 Master student of political jurisprudence, Baqer al-Uloom University, Qom, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, and a member of the Association of Political Studies, Qom, Iran



The purpose of the present study is to answer how an Islamic government can make a friendly relationship with other states and at the same time sustain its dignity. The research relies on the hypothesis that determining the components of dignity in the international level such as not revealing the secrets and needs of the Islamic state, not adopting the Kuffar (unbelievers) as confidant, and also an analysis of the ways on how to make a friendly relationship with others for giving scientific, economic, and humanitarian services as well as cooperation with different governments in the fields of defense industry can present a model to substantiate friendship of hearts with non-Islamic governments and as result “improvement under the word of commonality” as a premise for advertising religion. The method of study is descriptive analysis and the results showed that dignity should involve persistence on the ideas of the one who has dignity. It means that the Islamic government should not easily give up its theological-political stand against the enemy such that other actors in the realm of international relations witness this stability and self-defense of the Islamic government. However, the Islamic government should not fall into the trap of overindulgence or underindulgence because the opposite country may raise tremendous inappropriate requests by overindulgence and make the Islamic state encounter security problems, and likewise, underindulgence may decrease the possibility of making an affectionate relationship with non-Muslim states.


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