The Ethics of Candidacy

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought; Member of the Association for Political Studies, Qom, Iran



Using a genealogical and Ijtehādi method, the present study explores the ethics of candidacy -Tarshih- and its decency or indecency impact on the elections as a whole. The main purpose of raising this idea is to give awareness to some candidates who are obsessed with the illusion of deontology about the indecency of their candidacy in the election process. The results of the study shows that candidacy as a part of the election process in the religious ideology is not free from jurisprudential and ethical norms so every person who has an indecent motivation is not permitted to be nominated for a position. There are many traditions that forbid a human from seeking governance and it is interpreted as greed and acquisitiveness for this world. On the other hand, some other traditions that confirm this request are so cautious about the degradation of ethical values. Reflection on the arguments for Tarshih can make those candidates participating in the election process due to worldly incentives or lack of qualification withdraw and thereby prevent the presence of disqualified people in this civil issue.


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