The Divine Political Power

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mysticism, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought; And a member of the Association for Political Studies, Qom, Iran



The purpose of the present study is to review power with an approach to the divine political aspects. This approach entails a relative protection against political, economic, ethical, and … corruptions. The results of the study indicate opening a new horizon towards political power as many other approaches in this regard have been free from spirituality and morality. However, this research study associates power with spirituality, morality, and the divine names of God as a mystical discussion and also applies three concepts of dependency, substantiation, and assuming traits in explaining divine political power. Those in power shall not have this illusion that their political power is free from the power of God, but rather they should believe that human power is in line with the divine power. This outlook on power presents a relative protection against political corruption.


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