The Parameters of Adherence to the Ruler in Imamiah (Ja’fari) Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 1. PhD. Student in Comparative Studies of Islamic Religions, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran

2 Assosiate Professor, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran



The purpose of the present study is to explore the parameters of adherence to the ruler in Imamiah (Ja’fari) jurisprudence. The method of study is descriptive analysis and the results showed that in Imamiah jurisprudence, adherence to a qualified ruler who has the right to enjoin and forbid others is considered necessary, and thus disobedience to him is not allowed. Adherence to a disqualified ruler is regarded as “obedience to Taghut or Satan”; therefore, a disqualified person cannot remain in power even by common consent because in Islamic culture he is considered as a representative of “Taghut”. Neither he has the right to rule over people nor are people permitted to obey him. The incompetence of such a ruler to govern people and implement justice nullifies his right of guardianship and governance so he has no right of governorship in social affairs and hence it is not obligatory to obey him.


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