The Elements of Cultural Development in the Islamic Government (From the Perspective of Morteza Motahhari)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member, Research institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran.


The purpose of the present research is to analyze the “elements” and “case principles” of cultural development in the Islamic state from the theoretic perspective of Morteza Motahhari. In this research, first the "questions" and "arguments" at issue were collected, and then the relevant “answers” and “solutions” for each of them were designed and represented in the form of “paradoxical conceptual dualisms”. Afterwards, we had a reference to the works of Morteza Motahhari to determine his answers to the above questions. The results of the study showed that the contributing factors for cultural development in an Islamic government, in the approach of Motahhari, include: “the feasibility of Islamic culture”, “the legitimacy of Islamic culture”, “theism and belief in the afterlife”, “the comprehensiveness and universality of Islam” the originality and determination of culture”, and “the subservience and conformity of culture”.


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