The Comparative Analysis of the Political Thinking of Ghazali and Machiavelli

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Political Thought, Department of Political Science, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Thought, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Thought, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to review, evaluate, and assess political thinking from the perspective of Ghazali and Machiavelli in the realm of governance and politics. Therefore, the main question of the research investigates what are the features (commonalities and distinctions) of political thinking from the perspective of Ghazali and Machiavelli? To this aim, the elements and representations of their politics were comparatively reviewed using descriptive analysis and with reference to their views. The research relies on the hypothesis that the common point or similarity between the politics of Nicolo Machiavelli and Imam Mohammad Ghazali, in addition to their identical genre that is didactic literature, is attributed to their common approach in terms of their guidelines on controlling social problems, understanding of unpleasant social conditions and agreement over the necessity for a unique power center, and supporting the king in power to establish a central and powerful government. However, their salient distinction is related to their different approaches and tendencies to politics; it means that Machiavelli approaches politics more often based on realism. On the other hand, Ghazali approaches politics under the inspiration of religion, morality, and idealism. Moreover, the intellectual and political principles used by the politicians are immensely effective in the realm of governance as well as sustenance and implementation of power. In order to achieve the objectives of government and sustain power, it is essential to regard the political and social circumstances as well as time and place conditions and thereby select an appropriate method of governance.


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