Sohrevardi and Ishraqi Advice-Making Writings

Document Type : Original Article



Sohrevardi is a perfectionist intellectual who believes that the only perfect political system is the governance of a god-believing Hakim (knower). Because of that, he used his companionship with his contemporary governors to influence, and attempted to familiarize the governors with the principles of governing by compiling writings and dedicating them to the governors. This paper tries to highlight the political aspects of Ishraqi philosophy with analysis and interpretation of the two noticeable writings of “Alvah-e-Emadi” and “Partow-Nameh” and show that these writings follow political goals and are after presenting the pattern of their own ideal government with special writing framework. The important point is that these works have been looked at more as philosophical, and not political, works and have not been analyzed from the angle of political thought. Because of that, it will be attempted to analyze their political goals by careful analysis of these works and their structure, and also by putting them in a broader perspective (Sohrevardi’s life and time, philosophical thought and political philosophy).


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