Explanation of the Ethico-Political Lessons in the Mirror of the Last Hadj

Document Type : Original Article



Ethical lessons comprise a majority of the essence of Islam. The lessons from the prophet in his last Hadj (pilgrimage to Kaabah; the home of Allah) have been,many times, looked atwith historical, lexical (Kalaam-oriented), literary, Hadith-oriented and interpretive perspectives but in this paper, its ethico-political perspective is noticed.Undoubtedly, paying attention to the ethical and political lessons and its statements full of ethical and political knowledges which were stated in a region called Qadir-e Khom ( غدیر خم ) can be traced from the starting point of this purposive travel.Bravery in stating the right word and enduring the difficulties resulted from it, surrendering in front of the divine hap, complete subjugation to the fair and knowledgeable imam, seeking help from piety and knowledge and noticing the mutual rights of government and people as the most basic ethical lesson and introducing Ali (A.S.) as the practical example of these knowledges are among the other features of this eternal work in the human life to which this paper tries to deal with.


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