Systemic Ijtihad; the Broad Strategy of Producing Islamic Pattern for Advancement in Light of Future

Document Type : Original Article



The possibility of Islamic society and government in the direction of modern Islamic civilization necessitates the production of responsive structures and systems to all epistemic, legal and cultural needs. Henceforth, with the claim of providing humane perfections and reaching hereafter prosperity, Islam should indicate and design the pathway of reaching such a goal in the world and the hereafter. Accordingly, with dependence on infallible revelation propositions, religious science has provided us with the capacity of producing religious systems and by correct extraction and reasoning of the propositions of religion, responsive religious structures and systems to worldly needs of the human can be produced for a better future. The most justified model for extracting the viewpoint of religion is the existing Ijtihad which unfortunately due to its minor and personal look at the propositions of religion, is only aimed at discovering the minor personal verdict of religion or description of the minor moral proposition. Systemic Ijtihad, based on the Jawaheri Ijtihad and with applying the logic of discovering the processes and the logic of systematization and modeling, presents an algorithm which, with a broad and strategic look at the religious propositions, creates the ability to produce religious systems.


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