Perfect Quranic Society (Analysis of the Views of Mohammad-Reza Hakimi about the Nature and Location of Quranic Civilization)

Document Type : Original Article



With no intention to analyze the ideology of the school of Separation, this paper tries to re-view the ideal Quranic society on basis of the viewpoints of Mohammad-Reza Hakimi who is among the thinkers of the second age of “Separation” school of thought. There are two important reasons for choosing Mohammad-Reza Hakimi: first is the extensive interest of him in the most important issue in the contemporary history of Iran which is “inversion of the Muslims” and second is that he does not regard our current society as ‘religious’ and views the present situation as inversion from the ideals of the Islamic revolution. As a result, his talk about the ideal quranic society is both a criticism of the present condition and a horizon towards future. Based on the “religion investigation” habit of the Separation school, Hakimi insists on special understanding of the divine science and insight, quranic treat and policy, and Hadith. Another feature of Hakimi’s thought is purification of quranic and hadith understandings from interpretations and combinations with human intellectual streams which has considerably affected his ideal suggested society.


  1. حکیمی، محمدرضا، آنجا که خورشید می‌وزد، قم، انتشارات دلیل ما، 1387.
  2. ــــــــــــــــ ، جامعه‌سازی قرآنی، قم، انتشارات دلیل ما، چاپ پنجم، 1382.
  3. ــــــــــــــــ ، عاشورا و عدالت، قم، انتشارات دلیل ما، چاپ اول، 1389.
  4. حکیمی، محمدرضا و محمد حکیمی و علی حکیمی، الحیات، (کتاب سوم و چهارم)، قم، انتشارات دلیل ما، چاپ اول، ۱۳۹۳.
  5. فیضی، کریم، از زندگی تا ابدیت (گفتگو با محمدرضا حکیمی)، قم، دلیل ما، چاپ اول، 1388.
  6. قرآن کریم.
  7. نهج‌البلاغه، ترجمه و شرح فیض‌الاسلام.