The Capacity of Supreme Political Hikmah The Pure Hikmah of Allameh Tabataba’i (Methodology and Sample of Capacity Finding and Reproducing Pure Civil, Social and Political Hikmah)

Document Type : Original Article



It is obvious that Allameh Tabataba’i has been the reviver and renewer of Hikmah, especially in the city, scientific realm and Shia school of Qom, and teacher and promoter of Hikmah. He has been, also, one of the most noblemen of social Islamic Hikmah and possibly, the most prominent figure in basing it and a standard, to the extent that he can be called the pure and theoretical and social and epistemic Hakim (the owner of Hikmah). Hypothesis: viewpoint, theory and supreme pure organization of Hikmah of Allameh Tabataba’i has the capacity of political reproduction, and establishment of the look, theory and structure of the supreme civil and political Hikmah. In other words, viewpoint, theory and structure of the supreme pure Hikmah can be inferenced, produced and established from Allameh’s viewpoint, theory and structure of supreme pure Hikmah. Such a production and reproduction of civil, social and political Hikmah is the noticeable possibility, want and necessity. This procedure is performed with inferential and consequential methodology and with text and content analysis in form of conformity, guarantee and sometimes entailment implication.


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