The Concept of the Rule of the Law in Light of the Teachings from Imam Reza’s(‘a) Lifestyle

Document Type : Original Article



This paper examines the application of law in Imam Reza’s(‘a) way of life. The need for this research is due to the problems facing Iranian society in relation to obeying laws and regulations. Some strategies have been presented for reforming the current lifestyle to the Islamic lifestyle. This article assumes that from the Islamic perspective the divine laws apply to the universe; and, that the world is based upon laws and order. Therefore, one of the factors which can cause the society to abide by the laws is for the leaders of the society to abide by them. For that reason, the Immaculate Household of the Prophet(‘a) called the people to be law abiding by themselves being the most submissive of people before the divine law. The following topics have been analyzed in this article: the nature and form of Islamic law, legislators and legislation in Islam, God as the sole authority, the role of man in legislation, fixed laws and laws which vary, the importance and necessity of laws being obeyed, the basis for laws being obeyed, equality, philosophical freedom, legal freedom, human rights, establishing the rule of law, the first things which need to be done for people to be law abiding, strengthening people’s faith and ability to watch over themselves, belief in God’s constant watchfulness, ways for institutionalizing the rule of law, strategies for increasing people’s understanding, behavioral methods, and ways of affecting people’s sentiments. In this way, the accuracy of Imam Reza’s(‘a) religious and cultural teachings becomes apparent. The most important factor for bringing the rule of law in society and correcting people’s lifestyle is by way of cultural advancement. This is achievable through the following processes. Firstly, a scientific outlook should prevail over a cultural outlook in society. Secondly, a belief in the need to care for the rights of others must spread in society. Thirdly, people as a whole must accept systematic order as a cultural belief. In conclusion, a culture of lawfulness and respecting rights in social relations, following Imam Reza’s(‘a) example, is in proportion to having a culture based upon the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (s). The most suitable model is the one which is the most enduring and shows the best way for interacting in social relationships with people. In addition to being comprehensive and dynamic, such a model can be used for stable and viable communications for everyone and at all times.


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