The Methodology for Extracting the Islamic Lifestyle from the Conduct of the Household of the Prophet(‘a)

Document Type : Original Article



This article examines the methodology for extracting the Islamic lifestyle from the conduct of the Household of the Prophet(‘a). This study is important for understanding the methodology to be used in order to extract the Islamic lifestyle from the religious texts for the realization of an Islamic lifestyle in today’s society. This article assumes that we must try to depict the lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a) since it is appropriate and useful for all mankind. In this way, we can make sure that our dear Islam, the Household of the Prophet(‘a), and their lifestyle will not be accused of being inadequate for managing modern life; they cover all aspects of life; they introduce the basic characteristics of a good life, and they do not miss any aspect of the various parts of life. This principal is important when specifying the methodology for extracting the Islamic way of life from the lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a). In this context, abstract topics have been passed over and emphasis has been placed on behavior, stressing unity and avoiding conflict-ridden ideas. The lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a) is comprehensive, applicable to all times and places, and one and the same for each of the members of the Household(‘a). Some of the lessons from the Household of the Prophet(‘a) apply to certain situations and others apply to all situations. The need to extract specific lessons from general lessons, to separate specific matters from general matters (the method of jurisprudence), and the method of turning into practice the lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a) must become public concerns. The need for a careful and continuous study of the lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a) and the aspects involved in it have been examined and discussed in this article. Consequently, it becomes clear that our society needs to focus on the important and crucial aspects of the lifestyle of the Household of the Prophet(‘a). These aspects include: politics, social issues, family matters, paying attention to people’s rights, simple and inexpensive weddings, dowry, polygamy, modesty, living simply, love and friendship, avoiding music and dance, emphasizing the culture of work, and tens of other issues. These are the issues which need to be addressed. We need to clarify the lifestyle of these important people so that it can be adopted in the modern life.


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