Phenomenological epistemology of political science terms in religion studies: A study of problems and possibilities of using modern political science terms in religion studies

Document Type : Original Article



The paper studies the epistemological relationship between political thought terms and modern epistemology on the basis of the science of terminology and a study of epistemological thoughts which recently have entered into this field. Using political thought terms in religion studies without contemplating over epistemological roots of these terms, to some extent, has resulted in conceptual and terminological chaos which made the understanding and critique of these terms limited and inaccurate from the perspective of traditional and religious epistemology. To resolve this problem, the paper, influenced by Husserl’s phenomenological epistemology, suggests suspending the meanings of such terms before referring to them and attempting to understand them as phenomena bearing epistemological manifestations. Such an approach provides a good chance to correctly understand political thought terms and to critique their foundations from a religion studies perspective. Critiques of this kind question the semantic core of political thought terms and result in a scientific dialogue between these two epistemologically different and religious and non-religious fields.


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