Sublime politics and political sublimity: best substitute for secular politics

Document Type : Original Article



Natural and secular politics is close to modernism, socialism, liberalism and postmodern nihilism. This viewpoint, theory and system have increasingly resulted in paradoxical problems. Dualism, the duality of religion and politics and the separation of methodological, actional, and scientific manifestations from its own natural, evaluative, and behavioral foundations. This defect was not ignored by western scholars, but celestial church's political incompatibility was a barrier against arriving at a proper strategy. The domination of priests during the Middle Ages was the other cause. As this paper will reveal, from Machiavelli, at the beginning, to Rousseau, in the middle, and Renaissance we see the separation of politics from Christianity despite the fact that they do not believe they are naturally separable. The monotheist religion of Islam, the strategic approach of Imamate, and especially Imam Khomeini's political discourse consider religion as politics and, as Mulla Sadra says, religion is the spirit of the politics' body. This was the topic of a research called "perspective of the political thought in the Islamic republic of Iran" at the University of Tehran. The strange and magic efficiency of this case was studied according to philosophy, modern historiography and Faucouldian postmodern perspective. It is the sublime politics that can replace unsublime politics.


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