Reason and revelation in Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's political thought

Document Type : Original Article



The present paper shows that al-Tusi proposed a new explanation of revelation in Islamic political philosophy and transferred reason-revelation relationships to more practical domains such law, law-making, and politics. The paper also focuses on the topic of parallel logics in his book Akhlaq-i-Naseribecause al-Tusi compares al-Farabi, ibn Muskuyah, Avicenna, Asasiin. What makes Akhlaq-i-Naseri original is his division of wisdom into theoretical and practical, defining each of these, and proposing a branch of knowledge equivalent to wisdom which he calls 'fiqh'. The origin of these two types of knowledge is reason and revelation which is owned by the prophets and hakims. Out of the relationship among reason, practical wisdom and hakim, on the one hand, and revelation, prophet, and fiqh, on the other hand,arise the concepts of Siasah (politics) and Sharia (law). Al-Tusi in Akhlaq-i-Naseri explores in detail the nature and relationships between reason and revelation, civil wisdom and fiqh, hakim and prophet, Siasah and sharia. 


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