Political Commentary on the Verse of “Nafy Sabil” An Interpretative perception of the Base of Political Jurisprudence (Verse 141 of the Surah of Nisaa)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, QomBranch, and Member of Association of Hawzah Political Studies.Qom,Iran.


The principle of "Nafy Sabil" is one of the jurisprudence rules that have played a decisive role in the legal relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, and has been used as an indicator for modifying and regulating Muslims and non-Muslim relationships. By this rule, the supremacy of Muslims is always mandatory when having a relationship with non-Muslims, and Muslims in no way must accept the obligations and relations that led to the domination of non-Muslims or lead non-Muslims to be equated with Muslims. What has been discussed in this article is the answer to the fundamental question of whether the theme of verse 141 of the Nisaa Sura makes such a statement? In this paper, using descriptive and analytical method, after reviewing the concept of the rule mentioned in jurisprudence and the basic documents of this rule, the reflections of this principle in the jurisprudential and interpretative works has been discussed, and then a number of considerations of this interpretation are presented.The study of various sources and perspectives shows that the verse of “Nafy Sabil”, in its direct and relevant meaning, cannot be the reason for the jurisprudential principle of Nafy Sabil; so that it is used for prohibiting the religious relations of Muslims with unbelievers, because its basic characteristic is to conform to its examples without intermediaries.


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